Some day ago Samsung a newly unlocked GSM phone announced to released, and will be released expected last month of this year. This new Samsung phone name is unlocked Samsung galaxy note. After success the Samsung galaxy SII, this Samsung cell phone has a big display screen. This phone is rocking with smartness features, looking and performance wise. Samsung galaxy note running on android gingerbread OS 2.3 with 1.4GHz ARM cortex-A9 CPUprocessor. Its processor eryngoes chipset based its latest technology CPU processor for a GSM phone. This device is capable for all network connectivity 2G, 3G etc. it has two camera first primary camera is 8mpix and second is 2 mpix camera. it has more space to storage apps and access program. 16GB inbuilt memory given to storage and 32GB expendable memory. it has more features and we can access such as S Pen stylus for hand writing tool, NFC connectivity(optional), Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, NFC support (optional), TV-out (via MHL A/V link), SNS integration, Digital compass, MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.264/H.263 player
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