Reviews On Tech

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blackberry Pearl 9100 3G

The BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100 was announced back at WES just a short month ago, and is about ready for primetime. It builds upon RIM’s older Pearl family with an upgraded HVGA display, optical trackpad to replace the now-defunct trackball, a new 3.2 megapixel camera with flash, and is the first BlackBerry to host Wi-Fi 802.11n. When combined with BlackBerry OS 5.0, the Pearl 3G is effectively a miniaturized Bold 9700. Coming from the Bold 9000, I was already prepared to miss the luxurious screen size, but remembered my time with the original Pearl 8100 fondly, mostly in terms of how pocketable it was and how quick I was with the SureType keypad.

Sale Price : - $383.57

For Further Reading,
BlackBerry, Blackberry Pearl 9100, Blackberry Pearl 9100 mobile, Blackberry Pearl 9100 unlocked, GSM, Pearl, unlocked Blackberry Pearl 9100


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